A tiny island in the southern Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia will be a vacation spot for men. Over the next three years, the island will be named the XXXX island.But, wait, XXXX is not pornographic connotation. XXXX is a distinctive Queensland brand of beer. News.com.au quoted from the site on Thursday (3/15/2012), the Australian beer company that is XXXX Gold renting a vacation destination island for the men.
The island's original name is Pumpkin Island. Prior to 2003, Pumpkin Island is just a small plateau in the southern Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia. Until the end of South African couple bought for U.S. $ 1.3 million. The island later became his son's birthday gift, Wayne Rumble, which to-27.
In its website, Pumpkin Island has a description as 'a tropical holiday escape untouched', contains five eco-friendly cottages. But from now on, you'll find this island was renamed the 'XXXX Island'.
XXXX Gold spokeswoman said the island XXXX will strengthen our ties of friendship between men. Some celebrity names have been included in order to promote the island. While the owner of the island itself, will not agree this decision.
"We believe this is a good chance. Not only bring more people but also to land a job, as well as local community support for the following months," says Rumble.
XXXX is not without reason to promote the island specifically for men on vacation. A study showed 60% of Australia last man on vacation with her friend last year. Even one of the last five Australian men went with his friends was 10 years ago.
Anchor link url https://lolfreeblog.blogspot.com/2012/03/xxxx-island-special-for-men-in.html
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