Socotra Island - Island of the Alien on Earth

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Socotra Island is an island that is part of the territory of the Republic of Yemen, the island is very remote and lately the island of Socotra much discussed by scientists who came and went to study life on the island of Socotra, the island of Socotra is also often cited as the island of alien.

Why is the island of Socotra called the island of the Alien?
Well, the island of Socotra is an island for millions of years ago shaped like that without the disturbed motion of the earth's geological other so that the island became isolated from the outside world so that most of the plants and animals on this island is the endemic species that evolved separately, what meaning of endemic? meaning that most of the flora and fauna on the island of Socotra may not be found other hemisphere. besides having endemic species of flora and fauna form in Socotra somewhat bizarre eccentric slam bin hemisphere flora and fauna such as trees or trees for example dragon dragon as a symbol of the island of Socotra. This makes the island of Socotra island known as the Alien.

Where is the island of Socotra?
As explained above, the island of Socotra is part of the Republic of Yemen in the Middle East, right on the Arabian sea and completely away from the mainland continent of Asia or Africa, some corner of the island of Socotra has a very beautiful, but unfortunately you will not be able to there as tourists because the island of Socotra is prohibited to be visited by tourists because of Socotra recently confirmed as a world natural heritage by UNESCO in July 2008 that must be protected, so the only way to get to the island of Socotra is to become a researcher for the purpose of studying the flora and fauna of Socotra.

Some photos taken on the island of Socotra

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